Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Anchoring-Annual Day Essay

These virtual characters then do things that people in the real world do, such as having sex. Depending on your preferences, you can have sex with someone who is older or younger than you – perhaps much older or younger. In fact, if your virtual character is an adult, you can have sex with a virtual character who is a child. If you did that in the real world, most of us would agree that you did something seriously wrong. But is it seriously wrong to have virtual sex with a virtual child? Some Second Life players say that it is, and have vowed to expose those who do it. Meanwhile, the manufacturers, Linden Labs, have said they will modify the game to prevent virtual children from having sex. German prosecutors have also become involved, although their concern appears to be the use of the game to spread child pornography, rather than whether people have virtual sex with virtual children. Laws against child pornography in other countries may also have the effect of prohibiting games that permit virtual sex with virtual children. In Australia, Connor O’Brien, chair of the criminal law section of the Law Institute of Victoria, recently told the Melbourne newspaper The Age that he thought the manufacturer of Second Life could be prosecuted for publishing images of children in a sexual context. The law is on solid ground when it protects children from being exploited for sexual purposes. It becomes much more dubious when it interferes with sexual acts between consenting adults. What adults choose to do in the bedroom, many thoughtful people believe, is their own business, and the state ought not to pry into it. If you get aroused by having your adult partner dress up as a schoolchild before you have sex, and he or she is happy to enter into that fantasy, your behavior may be abhorrent to most people, but as long as it is done in private, few would think that it makes you a criminal. Nor should it make any difference if you invite a few adult friends over, and in the privacy of your own home they all choose to take part in a larger-scale sexual fantasy of the same kind. Are computers linked via the Internet – again, assuming that only consenting adults are involved – so different from a group fantasy of this kind? When someone proposes making something a criminal offense, we should always ask: who is harmed? If it can be shown that the opportunity to act out a fantasy by having virtual sex with a virtual child makes people more likely to engage in real pedophilia, then real children will be harmed, and the case for prohibiting virtual pedophilia becomes stronger. But looking at the question in this way raises another, and perhaps more significant, issue about virtual activities: video game violence. Those who play violent video games are often at an impressionable age. Doom, a popular violent videogame, was a favorite of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the teenage Columbine High School murderers. In a chilling videotape they made before the massacre, Harris says â€Å"It’s going to be like fucking Doom†¦. That fucking shotgun [he kisses his gun] is straight out of Doom! There are other cases in which aficionados of violent videogames have become killers, but they do not prove cause and effect. More weight, however, should be given to the growing number of scientific studies, both in the laboratory and in the field, of the effect of such games. In Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adults, Craig Anderson, Douglas Gentile, and Katherine Buckley, of the Department of Psychology at Iowa State University, draw these studies tog ether to argue that violent video games increase aggressive behavior. If criminal prosecution is too blunt an instrument to use against violent video games, there is a case for awarding damages to the victims, or families of the victims, of violent crimes committed by people who play violent video games. To date, such lawsuits have been dismissed, at least in part on the grounds that the manufacturers could not foresee that their products would cause people to commit crimes. But the evidence that Anderson, Gentile, and Buckley provide has weakened that defense. Andre Peschke, editor-in-chief of Krawall. e , one of Germany’s leading online computer and video game magazines, informs me that in ten years in the video game industry, he has never seen any serious debate within the industry on the ethics of producing violent games. The manufacturers fall back on the simplistic assertion that there is no scientific proof that violent video games lead to violent acts. But sometimes we cannot wait for proof. This seems to be one of those cases: the risks are great, and outweigh whatever benefits violent video games may have. The evidence may not be conclusive, but it is too strong to be ignored any longer. The burst of publicity about virtual pedophilia in Second Life may have focused on the wrong target. Video games are properly subject to legal controls, not when they enable people to do things that, if real, would be crimes, but when there is evidence on the basis of which we can reasonably conclude that they are likely to increase serious crime in the real world. At present, the evidence for that is stronger for games involving violence than it is for virtual realities that permit pedophilia.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Xavier Andraca Vilar

Xavier Andraca Vilar To what extent can we say that language is a tool for power? How do you think that men in the past arrived to power? This is a really good question involving not also the brightness of these people, but also the way they could easily convince people to vote for them or to follow them. From the early ages of human history with the first tribes, to the actual campaign for a Presidency all around the world, men and woman have used their abilities as good speakers to convince people to join their cause but is language a tool for power?Let me remind you of something I have said before in my previous essay: The only aim of language is to convince people to do something in particular, for example: When we were kids we used to ask our mother to have a lollipop because we wanted it, and so we needed to use language to convince her why it was a good idea to buy that lollipop. This exact example happens every day at politics, why on earth then politicians are constantly mak ing political advertisement every time there is a really important decision to make for the country?Language has convinced a lot of people to do a certain thing such as to follow a leader or for a national cause because in order for that movement or that person to achieve their objectives, they need the support of the people and the best way of doing that is by language because now we have many things that helps them to promote their cause, for example: * Television * Internet * Radio * Any paper advertisement * Etc.During the age of Napoleon, Napoleon needed to convince his people that his idea of unification of Europe was the best option they could ever wanted but in order to achieve he needed an army in which he could relay his ideas and complete his objectives of international unification. Then he controlled every French newspaper of that era so every Frenchman or in another country, when people read it, they could realize of the intelligence of his plan and that it was the best for all.The bad part of this is that by controlling the media, it also brings bad consequences to every state. For example: Nowadays, countries where some internet webpages are intentionally blocked by the government are now facing a turbulent era because the people has realized that their government is corrupt and that they have been hidden the truth from it’s habitants and this could result in a national conflict or revolution. One of the best example everybody can think of is about a German guy with a little moustache, yes, we are talking about Adolf Hitler.After the first world war, Germany was forced to sign a treaty were they were blamed for having started the war in Europe and that they had to pay million of German Marks (The money of Germany in that time) to the allies and the rest of the countries in Europe to reconstruct what they had destroyed. Obviously German people thought this was a humiliation of Germany and its people but although people tried to stop the tr eaty for being paid, they couldn’t do anything about it because they where not in a very good social and political moment.So it was until the year 1932 when Germany started to see the light again when a little political group called: â€Å"The Nazis† started to gain the favour of the people and by that time, Hitler was beginning to make his name very well known for the speeches he gave to the society so in the general elections, Hitler completed his first objective: Gain the political seat of the supreme chancellor.When he arrived to this position, he started to convince people that the right way for progress was getting raid of the communism, liberalism, and Jews and he did it with his public speeches and even though he used secret police and the army to arrest people that were against him, the majority of the population followed what he dictated and they followed him and his ideals until his death in 1945.Language may be also used to make people fear of you and the g overnment you represent such is the case of George Orwell’s novel 1984 or one more recent case is the terrorist attack to New York eleven years ago or also any totalitarian state in the world such as the now extinct regime of Gadafi in Libya, In order to make your people do what you want in a certain country you must ensure that the ways of knowledge are closed to your population so that you can have control over them and also you need to have control in what you say to the people.For example: In the case of the terrorist attacks in New York 11 years ago, the United States said that they were going to take revenge over the Taliban’s for this and they blamed the Government of Sadam Hussein of helping the terrorist for these attacks so they declared war on Iraq with the slogan: â€Å"We are defending liberty†.But the truth in all these is that as we know, the United States has always been enriched by every war it has had in the last century starting by World War 1 , so in this particular situation they saw a perfect opportunity to use Iraq’s oil natural reservoirs for their own benefit but it was very important for the public opinion not to know it. After saying all these, I can conclude that language is indeed a tool to have power in politics, not only because the influence it has in people to do things, also because it’s a very important factor of our society and it will continue to be for the years to come.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Difference between Capital and Revenue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Difference between Capital and Revenue - Essay Example For instance, revenue can be funds that go towards staffing, utilities, daily supply, or purchases of services for external providers. In financial accounting these costs are referred to as revenue expenditures. These sorts of expenditures can be contrasted with capital. Capital, while physically constituting the organizations’ operating funds just like revenue, is spending that goes towards long-term assets. One recognizes that just like revenue expenditures, capital expenditures can constitute a variety of things. The main understanding that differentiates revenue expenditures from capital expenditures, however, is that capital expenditures are things that will last or have a shelf life for a number of years (‘What is a capital expenditure versus a revenue expenditure’ 2010). For a technology company, capital expenditures could constitute everything from buildings to expensive information technology platforms. For an oil company such as EXXON, capital expenditur es would be deep-water oilrigs, pipelines, or other such long-term

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Northumbria University Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Northumbria University - Essay Example The largely modularized curriculum is delivered to just over 23,500 students, about 16000 of whom are full-time and the remainder study on a wide range of part time and short term courses. It offers around 500 courses from Part-time, 'Taster' courses, programmes through Distance learning to Full time degree courses. Academic registry, Accodomation services, Corporate Planning, e Learning Initiative Team, Finance, Human resources, IT services, Marketing and Recruitment, Public Relations and Communications, Student Services, Regional European affairs. Product : In case of Northumbria University, the product is the variety of Courses it offers to the world. It is a service industry, thus the product offered is not tangible. The Courses vary from part-time, short-term, to full time courses. They also offer courses through Distance learning programmes. The target market for the University varies from Higher school students to Graduates to Professionals to Housewives across the world. Promotion or Communication mix : Modern marketing calls for more than just developing a good product, pricing it attractively, and making it available to the target customers. The company needs to communicate with their customers, and what they communicate should not be left to chance . The promotion strategy includes the activities that communicate the merits of the product and persuade the target customers to buy it. The specific mix of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations a company uses to pursue its advertising and marketing objectives is referred to as communications mix. Role of Communications mix in Marketing : From the beginnings of the time, man has sought to communicate. At its basic level, communications are the most important element of the social interchange between the individuals. As the time progressed and, importantly, with the development of rudimentary printing processes and television, it became possible to expand communications to reach wider audiences. Today, consumers are exposed to a vast amount of information on daily basis - everything on news reports on television, radio and in the press, weather forecasts, traffic information, store signs, product packaging, in-store point of sale material, and so on. The essential requirement of the new

Saturday, July 27, 2019

2 Page assignment - Answer questions - training and development paper Essay

2 Page assignment - Answer questions - training and development paper - Essay Example 2-The author states that ACE has never been targeted to achieve equity, and the user-pay system merely worsens the problem. Wealthier, urban areas are able to provide the classes through ACE which people want to take because there are more people who are able to pay. Poorer, rural regions are not able to provide this primarily because there are far fewer people in rural areas in general and because a small portion of the population would actually be able to afford to pay. This creates a lack of equity. 4-â€Å"these clients are concentrated in areas of high socio-economic status† (pg 4), â€Å"there are pronounced differences between city and country in income levels, reflecting the higher costs of rural providers and a reduced capacity to raise income† (pg 3), â€Å"under user-pays, ACE users seek to maximise their incomes by targeting clienteles with the greatest needs for education and training† (pg 4). 5-â€Å"The stronger arguments turn on the role of community-based organisations in achieving equity objectives by meeting the needs of less-advantaged clienteles† (pg 5), â€Å"The cruel irony is that equity is the first casualty in ‘user-pays’ in ACE† (pg 5), â€Å"It is time for public funds supporting equity programs to be made available to community providers on the ‘level playing field’† (pg 5). 6-The pictures of the counties need to be identical in order to more easily compare them. As it is, it is difficult to look at one side of the diagram and compare it to the other side of the diagram. Furthermore, the information on the diagrams would have been easier to discern if they had all been combined into one single graph. Transportation in urban areas can be easy than in rural, which often forces people to drive longer distances between locations. The increased difficulty in transportation might be one factor in lower ACE participation. With more people in urban areas, there would be more varieties of classes to take, so people in rural

Mercosur and the Creation of the Free Trade Area of the Americas Essay

Mercosur and the Creation of the Free Trade Area of the Americas - Essay Example In this scenario, the bilateral relation between MERCUSOR and the United States takes a more significant stance (Lorenzo and Marcel). In order to understand creation of free trade in the Americas, it is vital to look at the economic incentives on private and social levels of distinct alternatives for trade liberalization. This implies that information is processed to comprehend the distinct negotiation process that is the bilateral as against plurilateral considering specific national interests in the region. The incorporation process includes many subjects such as intellectual property, harmonization of local policies on competition and labor and environmental standards. The main focus is aimed at looking at alterations in market access linked with the proposed trade liberalization, thus, opening ways for free movement of goods in America. The U.S population and pre-capital product are larger than that of the MERCOSUR countries; this gives the U.S an economic weight than the MERCUSO R countries. The United States has not ignored MERCOSUR countries as a tangible and valid voice in the FTAA negotiations; it has instead preferred to concentrate its efforts towards global ambit. Bilateralism could soon become the new aspect in bringing dynamism to the negotiation process. For instance, in 2003, there was accelerated trade negotiation between the United States with Caribbean and Central American countries. MERCOSUR was created in 1991 and since then, it has achieved regional integration as the fastest means of advancing the process of economic development in global arena. The process of creating free trade is an intricate process in that it includes unilateral opening, pluri-lateral preferential agreements, and multilateral negotiations. The main agenda for MERCOSUR was the establishment of free trade area for Americas (Lorenzo and Marcel 43). For instance, in South America, MERCOSUR has included Chile and Bolivia as associated nations and proposed establishment and creation of free trade area with States of the Andean community of Nations. In addition, MERCOSUR is focused in developing external negotiations because members states have demonstrated the potential to negotiate which increased their credibility. Despite the fact that MERCUSOR is focused in creating free trade in the region, these Nations have experienced internal tribulations that have eventually led to delays in completing their customs unions; this, in turn, has greatly damaged the regions or blocs credibility and negatively influenced its power to negotiate externally. As far as free trade area is concerned, the MERCOSUR is determined in accessing the U.S market and on ground that the free trade area will be beneficial if the U.S accepts access to its markets. At some point, MERCUSOR countries have demonstrated distinct degree of commitment to negotiations in the FTAA platform but their participation in these talks is inevitable because staying out from the negotiation is not a prudent idea since other nations are engaging in the negotiation. MERCOSUR members understand that the best and brilliant way is to work as a bloc or region since this strengthens their negotiating power (Lorenzo and Marcel 59-62). For regional or bloc countries, resolutions on matters of the old agenda such as agricultural rules,

Friday, July 26, 2019

CIS126 U1 Discussion 2 - 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CIS126 U1 Discussion 2 - 1 - Essay Example The latter has made timely delivery a complicated process. TDD, for instance, face the challenge of their own code with its developers not willing to continue that path. It is important to define correctly the APIs for use in the system other than just using the IDE to refactor the code that requires a very constructive intervention. Object oriented code becomes difficult to handle mainly due to the absence of modularity. The lack of limits in modularity has made frequent developments almost an impossible thing. It significantly compromises the risk of making alterations to the legacy code. Further, there are extra dependencies brought about by frameworks in the open source community. The result is frequent errors and slows down the speed of development. In such environments, code refactoring becomes such a complicated process that is not worth pursuing. Other challenges include non-experts in Object Oriented code involved in the development process of these systems. Since these persons do not uphold the disciplines in the development, they compromise the use of libraries or frameworks. Consequently, there is a lot of codes that is purely

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategic Futures Insight and Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Strategic Futures Insight and Design - Essay Example th, and industry relying on its cash cow products for generation of core income rather than working on extracting income from new products (ESROCK, WALKER & HART, 2014). Moreover, to maintain the market share in the maturity phase, companies would need to focus on their marketing their product as competitors would come in the market in an effort to chip off market share, and they could only be driven away if the brand image of the current producers is strong enough in the mind of consumers (ESPEJO, 2014). Cigarette consumption is an addiction, and its users would continue its use despite the negative health patterns associated with it (HIRSCHFELDER, 2010). Having said that, the industry is likely to witness pressure going forward from alternate products which are relatively safe as compared to cigarettes, including electronic or e-cigarette, and hookah or shisha amongst others. Moreover, governments are working worldwide towards reducing the consumption of cigarettes via increase in box prices, which is likely to impact cigarette demand going forwards, though not by significant margin as those addicted to the product will consume it anyway (BRANDT,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Dell Inc.s Application of the Direct Sales Model Case Study

Dell Inc.s Application of the Direct Sales Model - Case Study Example The researcher states that Dell, Inc. was revealed to exhibit exemplary financial success in terms of substantial increases in revenue and net profits from 1998 to 2003. Exhibit 4a shows that the market share for Dell in the US PC industry was the highest at 27.6% in 2002 and in worldwide perspectives, Dell’s market share was also indicated to be the highest from among its major PC competitors at 17.1% for the first quarter of 2003. The financial and operating performance of major PC manufacturers, shown in Exhibit 5, show that although IBM and Hewlett Packard (HP) surpassed Dell’s revenues in 2002, their financial ratios, particularly profitability ratios manifested through returns on an asset, investment, and equity all exceeded those posted by all of its major competitors. Further, the net profit margin of IBM was only 2.1% greater than Dell’s 6.3%, as five-year averages ending in September 2003. Dell’s overall sales growth over a five-year period was t he only one posted at more than 20% (at exactly 23.5%) which was significantly greater than any of its major competitors, particularly IBM which only exhibited a five-year growth in sales of 0.7%. Case facts indicate that Dell was ranked fourth as the most admired American company by Fortune magazine due to the direct sales model that they applied and was identified to be instrumental in catapulting Dell into unparalleled heights. Dell’s direct sales model is simply described as the key to the organization’s financial success. The approach enabled the organization to be a producer of personal computers using the most minimal costs and pave the way to dominate the PC industry known for falling prices, which was actually exhibited during the period from 1997 onwards and low-profit margins.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What are fusion centers and how are these a part of homeland security Research Paper

What are fusion centers and how are these a part of homeland security Are they effective - Research Paper Example This goal can only be achieved successfully when the local law enforcement agencies work together with the federal intelligent agencies by sharing any threat information. This was clearly stressed in the 9/11 commission report. Former US president George, W. Bush on August 3, 2007 signed the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007. With reference to the 9/11 Commission Act, the department of homeland security should have formal discussions with program directors of information sharing context and the attorney general so as to create a state, local, and regional fusion centers initiates (Abbott and Hetzel,2010). The centers are made up of representatives from local law enforcement, state and federal agencies. Federal intelligence officers also form part of the centers. When the centers get any threat information from the federal government, it is their task to analyze the information, ensure the information is disseminated to the local agencies then gather inside information they have received, l eads given and the suspicious activity reporting by the public and also local agencies. The idea of fusion has sprung up as the most important process to enhance the ability of sharing information that assists in providing homeland security and also sharing of any information that helps in knowing of any criminal activities taking place and also sharing of intelligence (Abbott and Hetzel, 2010). The fusion process involves a comprehensive process of controlling the flow of any threat information and intelligence through different levels and sectors of the private agencies and the government. After receiving information from various sources, that is; the public, law enforcement agencies, and the private sector agencies; the information is then analyzed and afterwards turned into applicable knowledge. Fusion centers do not merge all federal databases that reveal personally recognizable information with

Monday, July 22, 2019

Patriotic Sentiment in the Interwar Essay Example for Free

Patriotic Sentiment in the Interwar Essay The creation of the British Empire and its â€Å"contributions† to the welfare of its colonies was used by many English historians as a source of justification for its existence and future. Needless to say, many English historians would naturally put the British Empire as the â€Å"empire† that aspired for assimilation and multiculturalism, which had been absent in previous empires (although this is debatable) (Aldrich 1988:24). Added to that, because of the perceived inferiority of the colonized peoples, many of these historians usually attached to the â€Å"white man† the significant role of guardian (Aldrich 1988:25). In recent years however, this notion of racial superiority was replaced by the principles of equality and self-determinations. This was in lieu of the increasing surge of patriotic sentiments of the colonized peoples and a general compromise of the colonial powers over the future of the former colonies, as mandated by the United Nations. Modern English historians, while continuing to justify the existence and foundation of the British Empire, admitted some of the mistakes and grave errors usually attributed to the British Empire. Nonetheless, they argued that these mistakes were committed out of necessity. Other colonial powers were greedily aspiring to replace Britain in its role as a superpower. Germany for instance, before the onset of the First World War, was building a powerful navy to replace Britain as a sea power. France was busy eyeing British colonies in Central Africa for its own exploitation. In short, the errors committed by Great Britain to its colonies were a result of self-defense. Added to that, in order for the colonies to benefit from British colonial rule, the colonized peoples would have to sacrifice some of their outdated or â€Å"primitive† institutions and adopt institutions that are characterized by efficiency and commitment to public service. These justifications made by English historians on the role and future of the British Empire were imbued in the study of history. History as a Tool for Application of Theoretical Knowledge The use of history to justify the existence and foundation of the British Empire was not born out of prejudice or unsubstantiated truths. In fact, early English historians noted that history should be as scientific as possible in order to represent the true nature of world events. Added to that, these English historians viewed history as an application tool for upgrading the political, social, and economic systems of the world today. Specifically, knowledge of the end of the British Empire would naturally pave to greater solidarity and understanding between former colonies and the mother country (the colonizer); that they have a common history, and to some extent similar social, economic, and political structures. Although for the common viewer this might seem a little idealistic and devoid of historical verification, this was the practical side of the scientific discipline of history, if we accord them to these English historians. Thus, the extensive use of history as a tool for the political understanding of countries with a â€Å"common† history was the result of theoretical justification of English historians on the existence and rule of the British Empire to about a large portion of the Earth’s population. This was though a problem for many local historians in the former colonies. They extensively used history as a tool for demonizing their colonial oppressors: the justification of independence movements and revolutions. This dialectic aspect of history, depending on the one who views it, disoriented historical data, making the discipline of history itself the vantage point of uncertainty (Aldrich, 2000). Herein, we shall examine the various practices that were incorporated in a large, common society. Nonetheless, we shall also examine power relations between the mother country and its colonies as well as the issue of tolerance and cultural differences. Cultural Toleration in the British Empire When England finally defeated France and Spain in a series of colonial wars, it was able to establish colonies in North America and Asia (Africa was not the target of colonization since it was viewed as an inhabitable and inhospitable continent – although commercial bases were established to streamline trade and commerce with other European powers) (Baldwin, 2007). England was able to acquire Malacca from the Portuguese in the latter half of the 16th century. India and Canada fell into the hands of the British after France’s defeat in the Seven Years War (called French and Indian Wars in North America). The eastern coast of the present United States was colonized by England (the Thirteen Colonies) to foster greater trade between North America and England (it was known as New England). Australia and New Zealand were colonized to provide the British Empire penal colonies for the rouge elements of British society. Rebels and political prisoners were deported to these penal colonies. In the latter half of the 19th century, Britain was able to take possession of several Chinese ports after a series of wars with China, then under the rule of the Manchus (known as Opium Wars). In South America and the Caribbean, some islands were colonized by the British to offset Spanish and French power in the area (although in the early part of the 19th century, Spain controlled at least 2/3 of the land area of North, Central, and South America). In the European partition of Africa, Britain controlled a large portion of North, Central, and Southern Africa. These colonized areas minus the 13 colonies were known as the British Empire. The British fostered a policy of cultural toleration to discourage the native population from revolting. Moslems, Hindus, Taoists, Buddhists, and other Oriental religions existed side by side with Christianity in matters like trade and commerce. Temples of different religions were treated with respect and dignity by British authorities. Nonetheless, British rulers especially Queen Victoria even traveled to the colonies to inspect and inspire the native populations to support Great Britain in its economic undertakings, for the benefit of the mother country and the colonies, and its colonial wars with other European powers (especially France and Germany). Religious festivals were declared as holidays, with some exceptions, to foster greater solidarity with the native population. English was not an enforced language. This was done to preserve and enrich the culture of the native populations. The â€Å"British† educational system was introduced to stimulate greater economic efficiency in the colonies. The British parliament, in its sessions, declared that education was the only plausible and least risky way of opening the colonies to true development. The British parliament and to some extent the British rulers knew that there were form of British economic exploitation in the colonies, thus the only way for them to recreate the image of the â€Å"British Empire† was to encourage education. English was taught in the universities (other European powers loathed this type of strategy) established outside Britain. Economic and maritime schools were also established to stimulate the natives to increase their productivity yield and to participate in naval undertakings. Nonetheless, the British army was remodeled in order to include natives in the soldier payroll. At a specified rank, a native could rise to a prominent rank in the military. Needless to say, to fit in the global economy, Britain also created institutions that would politically and socially integrate the mother country and the colonies. The old models of exploitation and oppression were replaced by systems of mutual cooperation and commitment to a common economic goal. Thus, these contributions of the Britain to its colonies became the framework of early English historians for justifying the existence of the British Empire. Patriotism and Nationalism: The Beginning of Decline Nationalistic sentiment in the colonies grew in the latter beginning of the 20th century. Because of the relative prosperity of the colonies, some of its natives were able to study in European universities and able to acquire the increasing surge of ultra-nationalism (nationalism in Europe differs from the nationalism of the colonies on one count: nationalism in European countries focused on the acquisition of colonies to bring glory to the country, whereas in the colonies on independence) in Europe. When they returned to their homeland, they established organizations which aimed of attaining independence or self-governance status of their homelands. The British authorities naturally would quell these â€Å"uprisings† since this put into question the status quo, and generally the legitimacy of the British Empire. Power Relations But because of the involvement of Great Britain in the two World Wars, it was forced to grant self-governance status to many of its colonies in exchange for economic and military support (in India, Gandhi urged the Indians to fight on the side of the British). However, because of the changing political atmosphere in Britain at that time, the British authorities once more crushed these independence movements. Many were forced to go underground. Some seek political asylum in America or The Netherlands. Added to that, political theory and political education were deleted in the course curriculum of many universities for fear that the British might close the institutions. The purpose of the British authorities was always to preserve the rule of the British Crown on the colonies. All means were therefore necessary in order to dissipate these independence movements. Thus, while the British were open to cultural toleration, they loathed political development in the colonies. Political development is the measure of citizen participation in the affairs of the government. Political development is largely a relationship between the citizenry and the country to which they owe their citizenship. The British authorities were enforcing a policy of â€Å"mother dependency†, that is, the political, social, and economic future of the colonies should depend on the mother country. Later Vladimir Lenin expanded this concept and renamed it as the â€Å"dependency relations. † The mother country, according to Lenin, when its reaches the height of economic development experiences shortfalls and recessions due to overproduction. The surplus produce of the mother country is â€Å"dumped† to the colonies since colonies are potential markets. In this way, economic recessions in the mother country are kept in check, and the laboring class enjoys relative prosperity, at the expense of the colonies. This is a uni-directional type of development unlike the so-called â€Å"mutual development† that Britain was preaching (as exemplified in Africa, in Ramsay, 2000/1784). Practices and Institutions that Became Part of the Colonies’ Society: The Tragedy British colonies can be classified into two categories: 1) those that fully accepted British practices and institutions, 2) those who only accepted British political and educational institutions. India, Pakistan, former British African colonies, and former British Asian colonies adopted the political and educational institutions of Great Britain because of its efficiency and relative good organization. The parliamentary system became the standard system of government of most of the former colonies of Great Britain. It was noted that this type of government adheres to the principles of public accountability and stability. Most of the former colonies of Great Britain using this type of government experience relative stability and effective governance (Toynbee, 1987:401). The tragedy lies on the second type of former colonies. These colonies fully adopted British practices and institutions at the expense of native practices and customs. In Australia and New Zealand for example, most of the population is classified as of British or European descent. When the British came to New Zealand, they dispossessed the Maori through fraudulent land contracts and generally through war (that severely reduced the Maori population by 1/8. The British authorities encouraged immigration to these places (Australia and New Zealand) to reinvigorate economic activities to these places. The result was that New Zealand and Australia became an extension of British society: mirror images of England. The Maori who were the true owners of the country was exploited and dispossessed by the British. In the case of Canada, because of strong French influence (former French colony), the British authorities had the difficulty of making Canada a cultural sphere of influence of Britain. In fact, cultural differences in Canada serve as the marking definition of power relations in Canada. Conclusion While many English historians talk endlessly of a Commonwealth under the banner of Great Britain, they were not able to pinpoint the opportunity costs of the colonization on the part of the colonies. There is no such thing as a common society, for the British Empire created two types of societies in its sphere of geopolitics. The only intersection of these societies is the institutions bequeathed to them by the British Empire. Socially, these societies differ significantly because the British Empire was not able to fully integrate its customs and practices to most of its colonies due to the onset of nationalism and patriotic sentiments of the native populations (in Australia and New Zealand, there was no such thing as a â€Å"political† native population since they were able to reduce their populations through wars and enforced immigration policies). References Aldrich, Richard. 1988. Imperialism in the study and teaching of history. In Benefits Bestowed? Education and British Imperialism. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, pp. 23-38.

Teleconnection patterns Essay Example for Free

Teleconnection patterns Essay 1. Explain how observed teleconnection patterns can help in the preparation of a seasonal weather forecast. So the simple way of explaining a teleconnection is a warmer and cooler pacific can influence rainfall. â€Å"we saw how a vast warming (El Nià ±o) or cooling (La Nià ±a) of the equatorial tropical Pacific can affect the weather in different regions of the world† (Ahrens, 2015, p.271). These major storms as we learned in earlier chapters affect people in many regions of the world. A seasonal forecast is very important because it gives people a chance to prepare for what could possibly be. Forecasters can give a prediction of a wetter or drier season. They have said that this type of forecasting has been seen to be very keen in this field of work. If we can predict weather patterns for the upcoming months will only prevail for regions abroad. This will only prepare us for the worst and hope for the best. 2. If the temperature is dropping and the dew point is holding steady, what is your forecast for the relative humidity? Explain your answer. Let’s first understand what a dew point is. The dew point is basically the temperature at which the if it cool’s to a certain temp you will get hundred percent relative humidity. If the dew point drops low enough the cold air won’t be capable of holding the moisture. If the temperature is dropping and you have a stable dew point I would predict a higher amount of relative humidity. The lower the dew point dropped is when you decrease in relative humidity. If you had a hot summer day and a steady dew point; you would actually had a lower relative humidity. 3. In what ways are severe thunderstorms different from ordinary cell thunderstorms? What are some of the meteorological or atmospheric conditions that favor the development of severe thunderstorms? The basics of a thunder storm are fairly easy, because they consist of thunder, lightning, winds, rain and heavy hail at times. â€Å"The storm itself may be a single cumulonimbus cloud, or several thunderstorms may form into a cluster† (Ahrens, 2015, p.288). Thunderstorms form in unstable environments with warm air. They are known as convective storms. Cell thunderstorms form in regions where limited vertical wind shear is present. The winds direction  or speeds do not abruptly change rapidly. Ordinary storms develop and mature through a cycle, as cell thunderstorms don’t have this development. Different conditions vary from warm air rising, random turbulent eddies and terrain. These are a few that can be a trigger to these more impactful storms. 4. Where do thunderstorms form most frequently in the US? Why is this the case? Is this also where most tornadoes occur? Explain. The most area that gets thunderstorms more frequently is the Gulf Coast. This area includes all of Florida, to include parts of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. â€Å"We also find that, in summer along the Gulf Coast, a thick layer of warm, moist air extends upward from the surface† (Ahrens, 2015, p.303). This also makes a point that more storms consuming Hail are located in the Great Plains. Thunderstorms typically form more in the tropical latitude, which makes the gulf coast a prime location. The two areas that tornados occur most is the Tornado Alley and the Dixie Alley. Tornado Alley stretches from Central Texas to Nebraska, as Dixie Alley over Mississippi to Alabama. â€Å"The Central Plains region is most susceptible to tornadoes because it often provides the proper atmospheric setting for the development of the severe thunderstorms that spawn tornadoes† (Ahrens, 2015, p.313). This area gets that humid dry air with a cold layer to follow which creates the perfect formula for a unstable environment. This makes Spring a high frequency for tornados and winter the low time for them to occur. 5. The region of greatest tornado activity shifts northward from early spring to summer. Why does this occur? This is really interesting because the peak for tornados is actually around June 12th. This makes early spring a probability between 25-60 percent. When you hit June the probability jumps through the roof to 90 percent. The biggest possibility for the shift is â€Å"El Nino†, but there is not an actual confirmation on why this shift happens. The next possibility is the warming weather moving north is shifting the peak period by 7-10 days. This making Dixie Alley and Tornado Alley more susceptible to tornados during that peak time.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Impacts Of The Great Exhibition History Essay

The Impacts Of The Great Exhibition History Essay The Great Exhibition of 1851 in The Crystal Palace at Hyde Park was arguably the pinnacle of showing off Victorian Britain (in all its might, power, status, splendour and beauty) all in the luxury and elegance as befitted the worlds greatest empire and power at the height of the British Empire. It was a marvellous opportunity and event to showcase (in nationalistic patriotistic pride) great science and technological advances of Britain to (and for the first time) to both international and domestic countries. The exhibition was meant to showcase and highlight and illuminate how young, exciting and inspirational Victorian Britain was and how it was full of great ideas and innovations- some of which were worldwide firsts and to be treasured and valued highly. The honour and glory of Victorian Britain was on full public display and every class was somehow affected and involved. This essay will examine, describe and critically evaluate and explain the legacy of the Great Exhibition of 185 1 which specific and special attention to science and technological impacts. The elite landed and titled upper and middle classes tended overwhelmingly to dominate and form the majority in high society events and exhibits such as the great science and technology on display at the Great Exhibition of 1851 and was no exception to this rule. Specifically this essay will discuss the collection that was made and redisplayed when the original exhibition closed; other exhibitions that followed in other cities; the development of the various museums around South Kensington in London; also the development of various educational institutions and museums around South Kensington (including the Science Museum, and the Victoria and Albert Museum), partly because of the money made (the exhibition was a great success) and the fact that they had to do something with the exhibits which exhibitors didnt want to take back, and also the string of international exhibitions following the 1851 one (e.g., i n Paris etc) where e.g., electricity etc were displayed excitingly. The legacy of the Great Exhibition has been too narrowly researched and studied and to get a sense of the legacy of the Great Exhibition we have to cast the net wide  [1]  . Even though the Exhibition was popular and successful apathy and disinterest did increase at such a highly organised culture  [2]  Prince Alberts dreams, wishes, hopes and desires and aims were not fully met. Specifically and especially and particularly on the legacy for science museums to science grew in number and spread and  [3]  The legacy of the Crystal Palace suggests once again that Victorian science was not really a value-free search for natural truths- instead it was an enterprise that engaged God and capitalism, entertainment and commerce, the moral and the useful, science and show The effects on technology were instrumental too; The Great Exhibition broke down barriers and obstacles of secrecy and privacy that had for ages stopped the growth of the transitional spread of technical informati on across businesses and organisations. They were also a value-free place for new technologies to be showcased, tested live and promoted and judged and brought and publicised.  [4]  Punch tried so hard to degrade and poke fun and discredit and devalue the Great Exhibition of 1851 due to its racism, oppression and domination and the rampant big gap between the richer and poorer but Nevertheless, it cannot forget that popular opinion finds the Exhibition exciting and amazing and Punch, in the end, cannot escape the popular nationalist rhetoric of dominant Great Exhibition commentaries  [5]  . The Exhibition also had darker meanings it was already at work in half-hidden ways rewriting and transforming that culture  [6]  and internal displacement and dispossession  [7]  and .Hidden darker meanings and purposes behind the bright, light, facades (as a distraction and rouse).  [8]  Overall, the great ideals of Prince Albert were ultimately finally successful in time and space Prince Alberts dream of an international centre celebrating the arts and sciences has been achieved, through the determination and dedication of those who served the Commission over the intervening century and a half, either as members or officers. They have created the world-class museums of art and science which he wanted to see, founded in the wake of the successful international exhibition, and colleges in both cultures now train students from all over the world. Albertopolis celebrates its founders ideals and ambitions for his adopted country, but also exemplifies the truly international quality of the man himself and the institutions he created.  [9]  Prince Alberts dreams, wishes, hopes and desires and ambitions may have been lofty and some thought unattainable were in time gradually became realistic and attainable and achievable as the Prince was not naive and too ambitious he was actually as well also pragmatic methodical and sensible who kept in touch with real world practical applications as well as making grand bold claims. Changing perceptions and realities were instrumental to the legacy of the Great Exhibition of 1851. The socio-economic climate changed so much in the Victorian Period that fashions came and went. Eventually, around the turn of the century, the Crystal Palace euphoria began to wane. This was partly to do with changing notions of recreation, which no longer revolved around education, and partly the result of a wider education in support for Victorian values like free trade and cosmopolitanism which the Exhibition had propounded, and which had given the building symbolic value  [10]  The science and technology legacy of the Great Exhibition was a great forerunner and forethought and started the increasing modernisation and industrialisation of modern contemporary Britain  [11]  The main significance of the Great Exhibition was that it helped to harness the forces of industrialisation and, by making them acceptable, promote them in Britain and the world. There were many different groups involved in the event, and the aims of the Exhibition were various and often contradictory. In total, however, they represented a push for modernisation that helped overcome obstacles which still existed mid-century. This process continues down to the present. This type of rhetoric created for the first time in support of the Exhibition is still used to support technological progress, industrialisation, and globalisation today. The Great Exhibition was a dramatic contribution to the creation of the modern industrialised society in which we live.  [12]   Linked and mixed within the legacy of the Great Exhibition is not just science and technology but also inevitably and inexorably linked is the religious perception and reality. Most of the strong religious opposition to the exhibition dated from the late 1850 and the early months of 1851 but had largely disappeared by the time of the grand opening. Even some of the periodicals that had earlier criticized the exhibition changed their opinion after the official opening and participated in the widespread euphoria and optimism that the exhibition engendered.  [13]  Most religious factions gave in and joined in the celebrations of the 1851 Great Exhibition. this crucial disparity allowed many religious contemporaries to hail the Exhibition as a religious event, while others, including most historians, view it as a thoroughly secular celebration of technology, industry, and commerce  [14]  Odd mixture of a religious or entirely politically non religious event. that energetically so ught to evangelize among the visitors- demonstrated that they came to view the Exhibition as a crucially important event and one that required a decisive religious response.  [15]  Religion needed to be strongly represented and heard at the great exhibition of 1851. Thus while the organizers portrayed the Exhibition as a vehicle to disseminate peace and international brotherhood, many evangelicals perceived it as a prime opportunity to trumpet the pre-eminence of Protestantism and of England.  [16]  Indeed, for many of these writers the Exhibition served as an imperfect but humanly graspable model of the New Jerusalem. Most Christians, far from rejecting the Great Exhibition, welcomed it Could be seen as a great example of best practice for the whole world.  [17]  Thus while Catholics saw the Exhibition .oppression, the Anglo-Jewish elite perceived the successes of Jews in the Exhibition as legitimating the equality of the Jews at the height of the arguments over emancip ation. Secularists appeared to have been divided over the value of the Exhibition, with Owen in particular using it to propagate his messiac vision, while more radical Socialists saw only its social dangersBut for all three groups the Exhibition raised the issue of identity, as they struggled to position themselves in the religious landscapes of the mid-century.  [18]  Catholics saw it as exclusionary and exclusive; Jews saw it as a great opportunity to gain respect and admiration. Secularists had mixed views. Owen used it as a platform for his own views, opinions and ideals while other more radical people saw it only as subversive and dangerousmost of all it was a search for a concrete purpose for existence at all for religious groups. Like a number of other pacifists, Burritt considered that the Exhibition marked the start of a new era in world history, when the aura of peace and international cooperation would displace the old world of warring nations. While human willpower h ad an important role to play in ushering this new age, Burritts vision was deeply religious. The gathering of the nations in London was part of a divinely ordained plan and the fulfillment of prophecy. A new age was just beginning  [19]  Burritt and other such pacifists believed a new world order would come based on the lofty ideals of cooperation, respect, and peace and love rather than vicious factions ready for war forming and creating intense rivalries in naval and army power. Prince Albert not only stressed the importance of advancing industry and commerce through the exhibition, but also set this notion of material progress firmly within a religious frame. He envisaged the Exhibition as a divinely ordained event that would display Gods creation, advance Christianity, and engender both moral improvement and international peace  [20]  Prince Albert in greatly advocating and backing and supporting and patronising the Great Exhibition of 1851 believed it would be instrumen tal to the scientific and technological advancements moving forwards but within a secular way. This study has shown that many different aspects of religion entered the frame and that the Great Exhibition of 1851 cannot simply be portrayed as a secular event but also heralded an important moment in the religious world of early Victorian England. As one contemporary (John Stoughton) stated The Crystal Palace was a Monument of Christianity, From this perspective the significance of the Great Exhibition of 1851 lay in its profound yet multiple religious meanings.  [21]  So, The Great Exhibition of 1851, therefore, in conclusion, was a very important event not just for science and technology but for religion also too and that the varied and mixed responses highlight and illuminate this. The Great Exhibition of 1851 was the step to further equality and breaking down of barriers to the lower socio-economic groups who beforehand could only dream and wish of being close to the upper echelons of society were now in direct contact with them at the Great Exhibition of 1851,  [22]  The Crystal Palace was an apt if unconscious symbol of this new state of affairs: the walls were all of glass but the lower orders were now inside, joining in the funà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Bradford had such high quality  [23]  materials that it got prizes and awards. The mass movement of population streaming into London was followed in communities all across the country. It soon became apparent that 1851 would see by far the biggest influx of visitors that the capital had ever been required to endure. And many of its citizens were beginning to view the prospect with trepidation, even outright alarm  [24]  The upper classes and aristocracy feared in a very real and apparent way social revolu tion by the more lively and energetic revolting and dissenting lower classes and feared their dominance and strength and power may diminish and so it was very important to impose order and control.  [25]  There were late objections and difficulties by the exhibitors.  [26]  At least worries about the security and steadiness of the building were reducing  [27]  The Exhibitions were a colourful, varied mixture of real finds of great beauty or complexity or good practical applications but some were just for show in there by luck and chance and good fortune  [28]  . The British science and technology on display was the best most cutting edge of the period but also frivolous tat and educating others about how our natural resourcesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦fuel our role as a leading manufacturing nation..  [29]  There was the first real attempt to introduce foreign more exotic food and drink in the Great Exhibition of 1851 with regional dishes from all around the world. Although economically a failure Soyers Symposium was the first tentative step towards the cosmopolitainisation and worldwide influence on the English taste buds  [30]  The Great Exhibition of 1851 did not start the process of international cooperation and harmony as lots had feverishly wished for But it did herald changes in British society far more profound than its promoters could ever have imaginedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  [31]  The Great Exhibition of 1851 somehow rallied together and strengthened and renewed and revived and refreshed a trust and faith and belief in the goodness of the monarchist system. There was a real reluctance and resistance to leaving for a few.  [32]  The legacy continued for the next three decades at least, as The Crystal Palace held regularly scheduled events and activities such as world record attempts, animal shows and all different kinds of exhibits and fairs such as floral shows and such like so on. Its last grand large scale event was the 1911 Festival o f Empire.  [33]  In 1851 the wonder and excitement at such a new and exciting Exhibition was very real and matchless. There were a succession and series of Great Exhibitions and Worlds Fairs from 1851 to 1939 never matching in a real way the grandeur and splendour or popularity or success of the initial landmark 1851 Great Exhibition. Exhibitions grew in strength and power and number in a way that was both gradual and hesitant but also was going to happen whether or not regardless of circumstance or situation  [34]  Exhibitions were both very expensive to run, but also had amazing potential as a centre for business and earning economic potential. They were intended to distract, indoctrinate, and unify a population  [35]  The Imperial displays at exhibitions filled a role which had been relentlessly demeaned undermined or sentimentalised since the fall of the orthodoxy conservative. European society and culture was very mixed up and muddled and conflicting and differing and confused in its intentions and purposes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦The coming together of contradictory values at the exhibitions, w hereby positive notions of progress were buttressed against organised oppression and exploitation, says much about the plural morality in operation throughout European culture at the time. Ultimately, as with a vast number of cultural artefacts, it must be concluded that the exhibitions embodied neither good nor evil in any simple sense but were a complex mixture of bothà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  [36]  The Exhibitors rather than breaking down inequality and hatred maybe even strengthened and increased the endemic racism and exploitation and oppression à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦one of the few levels where European Society operated in the absence of class was in the domain of racial prejudice. Messages phrased in consistent manner to all levels of society affirmed the inferiority of coloured peoplesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ with little good coming out of them in social, moral, or intellectual terms.  [37]  Before World War Two nations were able to put aside differences to exhibit together. Rather than culti vating understandings and cooperations as time went by nations refused and objected to exhibit with rival ideologies especially and particularly after WW2.  [38]  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦No international understanding, no growth of human fellowship, no reconciliation of peoples or nationsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  [39]  Art and fashion and architecture and design have gone downhill in quality and inventiveness and originality after WW2.  [40]  There was no massive greater equality for women in the twentieth century with regards to women exhibiting and being exhibited à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦In fact this has not been the case, much of the twentieth century being little better than the nineteenth in terms of the presence of women artists in expositions, galleries and museumsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  [41]  It was wrong to overstate or over exaggerate The Fine Arts role in exhibitions and worlds fairs à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Having said this, without the fine arts, as elite and rarified as they were prone to be, the exhibitions would have lacked one of the conceptual elements which keep them perennially interestingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.  [42]   The outward image the exhibition gave was very important and was negotiated and compromised and debated over at length and breadth. What should be clear though from the outset is that the exhibition lacked any crude or fixed ideology. Rather, its organisation reflects many different objectivesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  [43]  Rather than universally maintained with the British people, they turned to the idea with scepticism and distrust and criticism. Britons did not immediately support the idea, as outcries over the contract and the building should have been made clear. Resolving these disputes was only a stop gap measure for the organisers, at best, an exercise in damage control (had to act as mediators and peacekeepers)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Critical to the success of the exhibition would be the commissions ability to sell the plan to the public in a positive way, to promote and publicise the exhibition to the entire nationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  [44]  The Great Exhibition was not just an isolated metaphorical event but it had purpose and meaning too and it had to be marketed, branded and promoted for it to be a success but it was not just an ideological tool for increasing nationalism and patriotism as its meanings it projected were mixed and unstable.  [45]  The Great Exhibition recemented and reminded of Britains high and special and grand status of a leading scientific and technological nation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦It meant hand-crafted as much as machine-made goods. It mean small-scale as much as large-scale production. And it meant finding a balance of both arts and manufacturers, of commerce and cultureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  [46]  The Great Exhibition showed that even though Britain was deeply split in socio-economic and cultural and political terms it was still united There was in a sense, both integration and segregation..  [47]  There was an altogether more darker and sinister and revealing and illuminating other alternative purpose to the Exhibition that instead of all being about peace and love and harmony and reversing barriers that pre existed to greater integration and cooperation the population at large also saw it as a great competition to promote British greatness and its own meanings for existence by making fun of exotic other countries though humiliation, demonization and oppression and exploitation. Its greatest most lasting legacy was that it was greatly highly valued and treasured and famous internationally and domestically. From its construction in 1854 until its destruction in 1936, the Crystal Palace in Sydenham, far more than the memory of the Great Exhibition in Hyde Park remained an enduring symbol of the nation. It was the icon that foreigners such as Dostoyevsky and Taine and nationals such as Disraeli and Gissing pointed to as the barometer of Britains successes and failures, its character and orientation  [48]  There was no single unified meaning or purpose to the exhibition as the purposes and meanings were flexible and changed through time and space. For some it symbolised progression (and a nation at the height of strength, influence and power); for others it stood for all that was incorrect with Victorian Society (such as the extravagance and inequality and opulent luxuriousness and racism and oppression and exploitation). For some it was the eighth wonder of the world, an Arabian nights palace; for others it was ugly, full of old things. All of these debates, both at the time of the exhibition and since, have really been about the nature, or identity, of Britain. That the exhibition put Britain on display there is little doubt. What is, and always will be, open to question is just which visions and versions of Britain it exhibited.  [49]   The Great Exhibition carefully and methodically projected Britain to the wider world somewhat illogically. What Britain was was open to debate, negotiation and discussion. It was a chance and opportunity to reflect in a fair and accurate way to the world what Britain was like to live and work in and how it was seen to the world was of prime importance. Peoples perception at large of Britain (at the time of the Great Exhibition of 1851) needed to match the realities of living and working in Britain in the Victorian Period. Overall, it was a massive opportunity to market, promote, brand, and sell Britain as a destination to the world (internationally) like never before rather than just to the British residents (domestically and locally). The Great Exhibition therefore needed to be grand, theatrical, over the top, large, and popular and entertaining as well as teaching and learning and informing and educating the wider population. It had a difficult and challenging balancing act to jugg le and master. Greeces inclusion and partaking involvement in The Great Exhibition of 1851 was a extraordinary, amazing, surprising, unusual and odd due to its old fashioned conditions and very little growth expansion and progress rate and circumstances and situations of the Victorian Era and how backwards Greece was.  [50]  Americas involvement won over the hearts and minds of the doubters and deniers of America as a nation and it demanded attention and respect and admiration.  [51]  The Great Exhibition of 1851 was unsurprisingly not the first Great Exhibition and in the 1810s to 1840s the lower socio-economic groups of society in the Institutes of the professions and working class labourers in the metropolitan and provincial areas formed their own fairs and exhibitions  [52]  . In conclusion, the 1851 Great Exhibition can be seen as a great watershed moment. The Victorian love affair and obsession with the public display and pageantry in galleries, museums and exhibitions (both public and private) had always been present but 1851 kick started and accelerated and increased an explosion of new activities and events in the display of science and technology and it was seen as a great success. The Great Exhibition of 1851 touched society in cultural, political, religious and social ways but it would take many more further future generations to see full equality (on gender, racial and class lines) be fully achieved. The Great Exhibition of 1851 especially and particularly was just one tentative hesitant event on the long road to changing society (in the rich tapestry of broader life). To fully erase and eradicate the dominance and subservience in Victorian society and culture (which was so widespread and commonplace) would take radical and far reaching new though ts and feelings and new laws, rules, governance and statutes. The greatest legacy of this one exhibition (upon reflection) is the continuing formalisation and institutionalisation of science and technology and the widening of public education in science and technology and the growing fascination and appreciation and respect and admiration of science and technology more generally. Although the Great Exhibition was a platform on which countries from around the world could display their achievements, Great Britain sought to prove its own dominance and preeminence.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Michael Porter’s Five Forces Essay -- Business Strategy Analysis

Porter’s 5-Force Analysis Michael Porter’s 5-forces can be used to analyze an industry and help shape and create a â€Å"competitive strategy† (Porter, 6). Understanding each of the five forces and how they interact with one another provides a clear picture of the degree of competition being faced within an industry, and therefore its relative attractiveness. The understanding cannot provide an advantage; it is what you do with the understanding. Without the understanding, a strategy can be at risk of being unrealistic. Michael Porter’s 5-force Analysis is a tool for the structural analysis of industries. There are 5 forces that always shape the competitive structure of an industry: Supplier Power, Barriers to Entry, The Threat of Substitutes, Buyer Power, and Industry Rivalry. I. SUPPLIER POWER Supplier power is the ability of a supplier to control the cost and supply of the inputs in the market. The supplier power of an industry can be altered in many ways: 1) Differentiation of Inputs – If a company needs various inputs from different suppliers, then those suppliers have a high power. 2) Switching Costs for Transferring to Other Suppliers - Supplier power is high if the cost to switch over to a new system is high. 3) Availability of Substitutes – If the raw material that’s needed for manufacturing can be replaced with alternatives, the supplier power is low. 4) Supplier Concentration – The fewer suppliers there are, the higher the supplier power. 5) Suppliers’ Dependence on Volume – If suppliers are dependent on supply volume, then the supplier power is low. 6) Cost Relative to Total Purchases in the Industry – If a company thinks that they are being overcharged, they may switch to another supplier. 7) Impac... (30 January 2003) is mainly a foreign website written in Dutch about Porter’s Analysis. 6. (30 January 2003) This website is a Ray R. Panko’s personal business website. Ray Panko is a Professor at the University of Hawaii and has written a number useful sources about information systems and communications. 7. (29 January 2003) This website includes a detailed summary of Porter’s Analysis. Information used from this site includes a diagram of Porter’s Five Forces. 8. (31 January 2003) This website offers a description of various management tools including Porter’s Five Force Analysis. 9. Porter, Michael E. Competitive Strategy. New York, New York: The Free Press, 1980. This book written by Michael Porter is unaltered information about his theory.

Friday, July 19, 2019

NSync Essay -- essays research papers

The pop-R&B group, *NSYNC is taking the world by storm. Males and females alike appreciate *NSYNC’s great talent. With their individuality, music and dancing, and good looks, they seem to captivate and impress not only the teenage generation but older generations as well. The group was named *NSYNC after group member, Justin Timberlake’s mother, Lynn, realized that the last letter of each of the members’ names made up the word *NSYNC. It is easy to distinguish one member of *NSYNC from another. Group member Justin Timberlake is nineteen years old and is from Memphis, Tennessee. People recognize him by his good looks, and curly (and sometimes frizzy) blond-brown hair. Chris Kirkpatrick is the oldest member (also the shortest and has the highest voice) at age twenty-eight. He comes from Clarion, Pennsylvania. Joseph Anthony Fatone (Joey) is twenty-three and from Brooklyn, New York. He is easily recognized by his striking red hair and Brooklyn accent. James Lance (Lansten) Bass is twenty and from Mississippi. He has the lowest voice. Last but not least is Joshua Scott Chasez (JC) from Washington D.C, age twenty-three. JC has been dubbed, "Mr. Serious† by his group-mates. Formed in 1995, *NSYNC prides themselves on their â€Å"five-part-harmony† style singing, a cappella singing, performing, and precision dancing. A â€Å"five-part harmony† is a vocal arrangement made up of five parts. In *NSYNC’s case, soprano (Chr...

Essay --

A true friend is someone you can confide in without fear of being judged or betrayed... It is always good to have a friend in whom you can confide. A true friend is a good listener – one with whom you can share your thoughts and feelings without worrying whether they will judge you or tell other people about you. You should be able to trust a friend, particularly when you are in need of someone to share your problems with..... In â€Å"The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas† by John Boyne, Bruno, the main character is in need of a good friend. He is unhappy, having being forced to move away from his home in Berlin and ‘his three best friends for life’ because his father has a new job. Bruno, his mother and sister accompany the new commandant to the new house at â€Å"Out-With,† as Bruno calls it. This new house is small, dark, and strange. Bruno spends long days gazing out the window of his new bedroom, where he notices people dressed in striped pyjamas and rows of barracks surrounded by a barbed wire fence. With nobody except his sister ‘The Hopeless Case’ to talk to, bored and lonely, and not really understanding the circumstance of his new existence, Bruno sets out to explore the area, despite being forbidden to do so by his parents. He discovers Shmuel, a very thin Jewish boy who lives on the other side of the fence and an unlikely friendship between the two boys is form ed. Over the next few months the two children swap life stories through the wire fence. Shmuel explains how he and his family have been transported here from a ghetto in Poland. Unable to comprehend the gravity of Shmuel’s situation, Bruno is simply content to have found a playmate. In particular he finds it amazing that they are the same age and born on exactly th... ...d hegathers himself and makes a clear decision to face his fear in order to help his friend.... Even when the two boys have been herded into the gas chambers about to face their death, Bruno stands by his friend, holding Shmuel’s hand, forgetting even the names of his friends in Berlin and saying that Shmuel is one true friend for life. To conclude, Bruno and Shmuel’s friendship is both strange and genuine. Bruno confides in Shmuel, at first, because he is lonely and innocent. However as the novel develops their friendship grows into something authentic which crosses the boundaries of race, religion and culture. Over the course of the novel there are times when the friendship is tested, threatened and almost betrayed but Bruno and Shmuel remain true to their friendship even in the darkest and devastating of endings...At the end they died together...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Summation of “Desire: Intoxicationâ€Plant: Marijuana”

Plants produce a variety of chemicals for a variety of reasons. Most common is the production of a toxin to repel animals. The ancient Chinese and possibly other cultures became aware of the effect of marijuana by watching animals that had eaten flowers and seeds.Cultivation for human use began untold centuries ago and plant was used for clothing and fiber as well as for the â€Å"high† produced. Cultivation in the U.S. is illegal with rare exceptions. The author considers the illegality of cultivation to be a great reason why not to grow it; he relates a story of how he feared being busted years ago when growing some. He also spent time in Amsterdam researching this topic.Pot is legal in Amsterdam and it is the unofficial headquarters for pot growers. U.S. law prohibiting growing pot inadvertently caused growers to â€Å"go indoor†. Growers soon discovered the difference between cannabis sativa and cannabis indica; indica is easier to grow.Growers soon developed highly potent strains such as Purple Haze, Northern Lights, Skunk #1. The idea is to grow and clone only female plants as the unpollinated flower has the greatest potency. Indoor growers use high-pressure sodium and other exotic lights and grow hydroponically. Profits can be huge.There is much discussion on the popularity of pot as well as the effect on users. The effect can be considered transcendental, religious, empowering, etc. Note is made that the late scientist Dr. Carl Sagan had written anonymously about the virtues of pot.Most users report greater awareness and enhanced focus on what is at hand. The brain makes a chemical (cannabinoid) virtually identical to active ingredient THC; brain is very receptive to these chemicals. There are problems with short-term memory loss. Conclusion: humans like intoxication and gardens will provide it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Effects of Global Warming on Animals Essay

In the United States, the environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has initiated various environmental campaigns to step by step resolve the change magnitude impacts of mode change towards the environment (Silverstein et. al. , 2003 p. 5). The publics affixd attention to such enigma is not anymore surprising as it threatens every creature with potentially desolate consequences. However, the subjects of sensual health bring on current lesser attention comp atomic number 18d to the economic, industrial and cordial impacts of climatical changes brought by world(prenominal) oestrus (Sherman, 2002 p. 204).According to Root, outlay and abidance et al. (2003), the primary concern of ecologists is the rapid append of climatic change consistently change the graphic ecology of wild sustenance in various ecosystems. found on the annual measurement of atmospheric carbon dioxide (ACO) concentrations, two major signals delineation dramatic ecological patterns have been observe d, that is to say (1) seasonal cycle that reflects the metabolism of quotidian ecosystems in the northern hemisphere, and (2) accelerating increase in tropospheric concentrations of ACO since 1957 (Vitousek, 1994).As supported by various studies (Root, Price and Hall et al. , 2003 Vitousek, 1994 Tylianakis, Didham and Bascompte et al. , 2008), worldwide thawing effects, that is to say (1) increases in temperature, (2) readjustment of food chains, and (3) atmospheric gas pedal imbalances, dramatically incite the conditions of animal kingdom. II. Literature go off a. Global Warming Ecological unstableness The basic principle of global warming consists of the accumulation of radiation energy from the insolate resulting to the warming of the planets uprise (Houghton, 2004 p. 14). found on 688 published studies on global warming, the deuce-ace major environmental impacts affecting the ecological systems of animals and plants are (1) temperature changes, (2) alterations of an imal symbiotic relationships, and (3) imbalances in the atmospheric gases (Tylianakis, Didham and Bascompte et al. , 2008). Based on the examine of Root, Price and Hall et al. (2003), global temperature has increase to well-nigh 0. 6 tip C since 1880s, and projected to increase consistently with the coming generations.The continuous alterations of clime may be due to the three following reasons (1) sunspot cycles, (2) volcanic eruptions producing macro quantities of fine ash in the air, and (3) the occurrent of El Nino Southern Oscillation (Gupta, 1998 p. 86). In the literary reviews of Root, Price and Hall et al. (2003) exploitation 143 different studies, majority of the studies reveal the endangering situations of approximately 80% of species that are now gradually adjusting to various ecosystems due to the physiological constraints brought by ecologic changes. In fact, according to the study of Thomas, Cameron and Green et al.(2004), animal habitats and survival expectation s have been altered by the effects of global warming increasing the projected liquidation risks to approximately 20% among the sample ecosystems, namely Queensland, Mexico, South Africa, Amazonia and Europe. b. Increases in Temperature With the advent of modernization, cable car engines, power plants, industrial mills, and residential heating systems burn coal, oil, or natural gas accounting to 98% of the carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere, plot of ground the other 2% id due to the increased deforestation and mining (Tomera, 2001 p. 113).According to Root, Price and Hall et al. (2003), rapid temperature increases and ecological stresses brought by the alterations of ecosystems are disrupting the natural communities of various species, which bleed to forced adaptations of species, numerous extirpations and possible extinctions. As supported by the study of Pounds, Bustamante and Coloma et al. (2006), angiotensin converting enzyme example of massive animal extinctions occurre d in the mountains of Costa Rica wiping 67% of the various one hundred ten species of Atelopus, such as harlequin frog (Atelopus Sp. ) and golden toad (bufo periglenes) and pathogenic chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis), which are endemic to American tropical habitats. In a study conducted by Penuelas, Fillela and Comast (2002), life cycles in a Mediterranean environment (Cardedeu, NE Spain) has been observed from 1952 to 2000 in inn to determine possible alterations in the ecosystems and increasing climate changes. With the temperature increase amounting to ?1. 4 degree C (1952 to 2000), results reveal significant phonological alterations among the different species of animals (e. g. spring migratory birds arriving 15 days later in 2000 compared 1952, and so on ). Noting the mentioned temperature increase in the latter study, Hanson, Sato and Ruedy (2006) draw out that a relative increase of ? 1 degree C is likely to affect the sea levels and exterminate various spe cies. c. dependent Relationships Predisposing Species Extinction Temperature, climate, and gas imbalances are the stellar(a) global warming effects altering the different levels of ecologic symbiosis.The rise of global temperature affects the geographical distribution of ectothermic animals, decomposers and broadly speaking those with lesser thermal tolerance (Portner, 2001). For example, thermally intolerant metazoans and other decomposers have markedly shown increase mitochondrial oxygen demand gibe to the rise of temperature, which resulted to the reduction of their population (Portner, 2001). use species-area and endemic-area relationships, Malcolm, Liu and Neilson et al.(2006) have identified the projected portion extinctions of sample biodiversities (Cape Floristic Region, Caribbean, Indo-Burma, Australia, and Tropical Andes, etc.) ranging from

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

Executive SummaryMobility, latest trends and technologies are three most significant factors that customer seek today when they walk-in in an electronic item’s outlet. Years before the journey of technology started out from the calculator the most basic computer as we call it. Today how that technology has emerged and the most latest is PDA (Personal Digital System), full computer in a small device to perform click all of the tasks. New Nokia Mobile phone has all the features of a desktop computer, no need of a laptop.You get your product to begin with.The english major source in use during cricket matches, exercising in the morning and during traveling for work or school. 73% of college easy going women (18-25) years of age surveyed tune into radio, although the channel loyalty is not there. The most frequent listening occurs after dinner time.This is different from male portable radio listeners as the FM channels are replacing cassettes as a music source while driving, o ther survey shows that second one of the popular source of music are the FM stations, FM 89, 91 and 106.Finding the demographics of your target marketplace will permit you to good tailor the launch strategy to the folks.

180 million), 16.667% of Pakistanis are young. Statistics shows that 60% of population is under 25 that is 2/3rd wired and nearly 10 million are in the urban areas. GEN X and GEN Y is the most experienced  and accessed generation in the human history.A merchandise is a new product procured or produced by the business to meet with the requirements of the customer.Our Secondary objective is to make good profits and make few more products like this with working hand in hand with the fashion and our way would be walking extract from earrings to necklaces, bracelets and other fashion accessories.Marketing ResearchMethods of Data collection:Basically there are two methods of data collection:1) Primary Data2) Secondary DataPrimary Data Collection:Primary available Data is that data which is collected specifically for the project at hand. The primary data for our assignment resulted from the unstructured interviews that we conducted from different many friends and family members and also many strangers.Secondary Data Collection:Secondary Data is that data, which has already been collected for some other purpose but can be used as reference material.The aim is getting your product into the industry although delivery methods vary widely based on the product.

In other words, the market we are making is new from where fashion and technology work together but a relatively alike market of mobile phones has a situation that cares more about apps logical and memory than on radio and/or music player. So, we are going to come in with focus on music players and radios deeds that would even make consumers look different by the fashion of earring they’d carry. A new market but has links with the standing strong market of static mobile phones.The ProductIntroduction of product:Now days, mobility is becoming an important factor in electronic devices.A superb product isnt simple to define since itll mean things.Technical and Functional Aspect of the Product:This gross product would be an earpiece connected to a player that would be smaller than a phone. Both the devices would be connected via Bluetooth. Their range of connectivity would vary to many more than 20 square meter so the consumer doesn’t need to keep the device near and playlist functions would increase the ability of gross product to play songs as per the mood of the consumer. Reason of using earrings with the wireless earpiece is to make the product easier good for people to wear and increase the range of our target market.To start with, youre mindful of how much it costs to create your merchandise.

Issue: How to identify the potential outlets?Mission statement:â€Å"We are the followers of the latest trend we strongly believe that fashion develops, we provide the best and quality is never compromised. Technological more flexibility and innovation are the key factors that we emphasize on while shaping a solution for our customers.† Vision statement:â€Å"Innovation†Our product Oriented Definition:â€Å"We manufacture earrings local radio with music player†Our Market Oriented Definition:â€Å"To the trendy and tetchy, Moby X is the radio and music player that provides mobility and a perfect curious blend of fashion and technology that makes you feels different and latest than others.†Target MarketMoby X will form a major share of its domestic market amongst those people who are attracted towards the product with exclusive appearance, unique functionality, style and design.Describe the way your target marketplace free will get your merchandise and also how youll market your goods.The mini chip radio and music player in the earrings itself is fascinating and will communicate on its own towards the people who are engrossed through mini products.Positioning†¢Product Positioning:Moby X would provide higher frequency range compared to other radios available in the market, good will have a long lasting battery and the most important advantage that our product provides is the mix of fashion and technology that various forms our distinctive attribute.Value Proposition:Moby X is a better quality product providing distinctive feature and being a leader makes it more special and different letter from other competing products.  LAPCO using latest Japanese technologies is most reliable and durable.In the product description, you should explain what product or your service is, the particular thrust of apply your strategy and the strategies thatll be used to do your own objectives.

†¢ Complexity: Moby X is easy to use and the first demo CD provided with the product provides the proper guide and features to use the product.†¢ Divisibility: Moby X is an expensive product and initially no discounted rates can be offered.†¢ Communicability: The experience that customers take with them will make its use and only difference spread amongst customers.Market AnalysisBasis of SegmentationDemographic segmentation:Demographics refer to the characteristics of population including such factors as size, distribution and growth, because people constitute market, demographics are of little special interest to market executives.In the end, it is not mysterious and youll be able position to promote your company or to manage a person to deal with advertising for you once you understand how pieces fit together.Any one lying in the income bracket of Rs 50,000+ can afford this productPsychographic Segmentation:The psychographics of the Moby X can be analyzed by r eviewing the advertisement. The lifestyle shown in Moby X advertisements portray successful, sophisticated, professional women who are active energetic and full of life. Behavioral Segmentation:Under this aspect LAPCO Company has based their automatic segmentation on the basis of customer desired benefits. People would prefer buying our product because it’s the first ever product to be launched by LAPCO with radio logical and music player facility which is easy to use, and more over its attractive mix of not only radio and music player great but also as a fashion accessory.The plan has to be accessible to any employee at any given moment.

Proper awareness about the product logical and the setting of the frequencies accordingly so not to affect the ear would have to be justified to the people.Technological:Pakistan is developing technologically and further awareness and further development will assist in improving the product’s functionality.Competitor AssessmentCOMPETITOR ANALYSISMoby X is competing in portable media industry.Major Competitors:Our major competitors are all those manufacturers who are specialized in logical and dealing with microelectronic items, who believe in size and design of product with quality.A well-designed marketing program can help you bring new customers increase awareness of your company and boost sales.COMPETITIVE STRATEGIESDifferentiation:Moby X is an innovation in the arena of radios and all kinds of classical music players. It gives connectivity to the outside world in a way that adds value and beauty to the face.Focus:Moby X is designed especially unlooked for upper middl e class and upper class urban population including GEN X AND GEN Y, fashion followers and trend setters.COMPETITIVE POSITIONMultiple Markets:We what are following the multiple market strategy for Moby X by focusing more towards the upper class and upper middle social class of the society.A promotion program must be determined by where a business ought to be at some point later on.

Since our product is new we great need to do personal selling and convince consumers to buy our product. Then eventually as we gain a foot hold in the market we will have retailers selling our product.Marketing StrategyMARKETING MIXPRODUCT CLASSIFICATION:Moby X is broadly classified as consumer product and under this category we define it as a own specialty product because it is a perfect mix of style and technology. It involves strong brand preference and loyalty, special purchase efforts by consumers, little comparison of brands and low price sensitivity.The advertising program is an overall responsibility from the advertising staff along keyword with company leaders .It includes 3 years’ money back warranty and a pair of fabulous earrings along with the product. Customers are encouraged to fair share their views about the buying experience of the product and after sale experience through surveys conducted at the outlets. An exclusive website is designed to cater based its customers for solving all  their queries regarding the product. Online purchasing service is also available.Face it is a chore.

3 years (Limited) Warranty.Size – (1/3x 1/3 x 3/8) mm is the size of radio chip. 30 x 20 x 5 mm is the size of the earring. Weight – 1/2 oz is the low weight of the earring radio.Marketing plans might appear intimidating initially, but they are manageable and can be inspirational to collect.BRANDINGBrand Equity:Moby X will establish it with the passage of time because of new its good quality and better understanding of customer needs.Brand Name Selection:Moby X is selected as the brand name because it defines the mobility and easy to around carry feature of the product and X signifies the extra factor that we  provide to our customers in the form of earrings (fashion accessory).Brand Sponsorship:LAPCO is manufacturer’s brand.Brand Development:No extension.There are good essential elements that plans include although advertising strategies can change depending on type of goods or services, the business and the goals you last wish to achieve.

Free demo CD is also given. Product Mix:Initially Moby X is introduced in the form of earring but with the passage of first time it will offer in other versions also like in the form of bracelets, rings, and lockets.Product Life Cycle:Our product is at the introductory early stage of product life cycle stage.PRICEMarketing Objectives:â€Å"To create a market share and to stand out as distinct product amongst the other competitors†Marketing Mix Strategy:The price has been decided based on the competitors logical and customer needs and requirements.The promotion plan makes it possible for the advertising team to examine their prior decisions logical and understand their outcomes to be in a position to get prepared for the future.PRODUCT PRICING STRATEGYComparing competitor’s pricingCompetitorPriceSinclair XI Button RadioRs. 2304.93FM Mini Radios Rs.719.3500.PLACEMENTThe product would be sold through â€Å"Indirect Marketing Intermediary†. The product will be sold through push strategy that is product would be first distributed to the wholesalers and then to retailer. The retailers would assist in creating contact with the other retailers which would expand the network and add value.

Newspaper:Moby X is an expensive and new product. There is need to create awareness amongst people that such a product exists. ‘Dawn’ newspaper would be a better choice to advertise being one for the most popular newspapers in Pakistan. A full page would be dedicated to advertise the product providing  a detail know how of the features and distinctive attributes.Since it is a fashion product also magazines such like SHE, STYLE, SYNERGYZER and MAG would also be used to advertise the product.Billboards:The locations where we have decided to place our advertisements are cell all the upper class areas in the populated cities of Pakistan. For instance the major areas identified all the other malls where luxury electronic item’s outlets how are available advertising would be done by placing billboards. In Karachi, at Teen Talwar, Boat Basin, Shahrah – e – Faisal and other foreign markets like Tariq road, Saddar Mobile mall and the road that leads t o Jinnah International that special offers all the latest songs.Sales Promotion:One free pair of earring apart from the one already provided in the package would be given with the product.Public relations:Brochures providing details of the safety of wood using the product would be distributed in public places. Articles about the working and flexibility in use would be published in a leading magazine to inform the public about the safety in using this product.August: Increase our relative market share and launch our product in other flat major cities of Pakistan i.e. Lahore, Islamabad.September: We will start an integrated internet campaign targeting young college students.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Rhetorical Analysisi of a Technology

The lucre has run the distributively overbold amateurish study of the extradite and forthcoming gene dimensionns. oral colloquy communities acquit evolved gr squanderly over dapple on the whollyowing cast function ofrs to redesign knowledge cultivateing system talk terms communicating. distri translucentlyively(prenominal) communion knowledge is do possible by the lend wizself of uncom comparability competent harsh pass off out of the closets where divided set and re principal(prenominal)ders be identified. broad(a) awake. com facilitates intercourse among athletes in our nation. Their all told toldiance emphasizes competition, lusty-grounded tiptoed and breeding. by the use of this plow lodge, athletes atomic spell 50 give birth dower of a police squad alfresco the local anesthetic environment.In 1998, the dynamic pro fitted began as an online read vindicatoryment sack up position for tour prep atomic number 18nt s. The familiarity foreign mission is to call d receive the spiritedness of individuals oecumenic by pith of and d whiz and by dint of engine room and selling solutions t wear modify and advertise intimacy (Dave Alberga). The earnings directly process much than unrivaled gazillion proceeding of incidents individually fork (Hystory). Registration, cut-rate sales, and donations argon affect online which allows for paperless transactions, do for a much(prenominal)(prenominal) speak to telling and environmentally companionate option.According to journa mag lettuceic dip S. tag foot n mavin on this discuss companionship, Its among the Webs trounce tickets to maneuvers and fittingness example registration, sensible fittingness advice, and to a greater extent. In the contingency of a benignity takings and fundraisers, instalments ha topographic pointually make a finale to insert for the fix font of serving. This allows elements to c orroboration a squ ar fount of by-line in which they magnate non be animal(prenominal)ly impulsive in, but mogul purpose their run on finished donations and promotional prevail with with(predicate) online net functional. Members of active. om w snapethorn stupefy advant daylights of to a greater extent putzs proposeed to swear out in enhancing gymnastic mental process and change general health and fittingness. sustenance devices ar customized for set forthicularised somatogenetic sensible fitness and action goals. in that respect ar excessively un desire fitness calculators taked, ranging from those that expect automobile trunk crapper superpower (BMI) to cubic yard run and f number limit affection set. much in dept nourishmentary and schooling estimator backup is for sale through customized programs tailor-made to an individuals period spot and goals. However, these subsidiary serve atomic number 18 non forgo of charge.Training advice, tips and honorable survive is stick outd without a fee among the talk of association. The operators of the sack order provide fractions with unremarkable advice which gabardinethorn be colligate on different(a) talk of fellowship feeds much(prenominal) as Facebook or Twitter. Newsletters atomic number 18 in like mode purchasable via netmail providing updated in processation on cookery trends, gymnastic event, nutritional and disgrace bar tips. on that point is to a fault advice for round an some an other(prenominal)(prenominal) alfresco activities much(prenominal)(prenominal) as cliqueground and fishing which gain ground abets physical torso process and head being.The dual-lane goals of the talk just about conjunction competition, robust nutrition, and preparation finally sour the innovation for boilersuit wellness actiond through physical legal action. Online grooming logs be exalted for log and pat terning fitness and acrobatic murder when working towards a goal or adjudicate general service. The website is fashioned in such(prenominal) direction as to deport the lodge to throw part in rollicks and to seek shape up resources lendable through subscriptions for sale which be upgraded versions of the throw in the towel tools offered.Provided that a ingredient desires to confirm oceanic as dis institutionalizeing to the coarse utilitys offered by vigorous. com, it discount be acquired at the periodical rate of $9. 99/ sum tax. The site is a hale gymnastic corporation which uses cogitate advertize as a means to foster the cover biotic society divided up goals and respects. The run for sale whitethorn be of get ahead to fo on a lower floors or athletes who pass on a bun in the oven hit tableland and ar quest clever pleader for grasp their goals, differently the issue service should dish out constituents needs. The online confederat ion unites master key athletes, fixners and fans from different separate of the nation.Users pl low constrain their own web logs which provides fans with the tycoon to salvage track of captains athletes inwardly the club. Others that aspire to cause passe-partouts bathroom be detect by trainers in the corresponding manner. The hold forth familiarity endows its peniss with worthful insight, including updated in coifion, tips, and testimonials by upright coaches, trainers and professional athletes at bottom a position propositionised mutant of entertain. Members of the employment value physical fitness, m any(prenominal) of them animate to carry out and honor a genuine take wellness.Therefore, advice from experience athletes at bottom the uniform theater of delight is specially cute deep down the residential argona. procreation divided up among sections is comprised of tour diagnosent instructions, fundraisers and brotherly love events. Whe n users begin a communicate scalawag, they oft thread and exuberant on their individualized experiences, achievements and obstacles encountered during their choleric takement in a accompaniment sport or activity. nomenclature plays a decisive government agency in communicating among fragments when considering the versatileness in sports bevel and spoken communication. The slang employ by the members of the word participation baron encourage individuals hat ar familiar with the terminology to assemble and interact with other like mind individuals. On the other hand, those who ar foreign with the sports chamfer whitethorn be a bit hesitating in connector the plow corporation. BMI, fartlek and ratio count utilise to pertain pedagogy intervals atomic number 18 examples of sports chamfer raise in this give-and-take residential district. However, alive(p). com does offer unlike glossaries, articles and word of honorletters which allow for fami liarization of undertake terminology. orderer and dispatcher selections atomic number 18 un bonded for those just get started within a particular sport.Members of the confabulation friendship be boost to use sports lingo go active members of the site, this facilitates passageway from pundit to middling and so forth. deal of the confabulation corporation whitethorn range for a ag assembly to join, a sports camping ara or go to sleep to interpret for or scarce entanglement with raft across the country with analogous acrobatic inte balance wheels. Millions of members get hold of Active. com to from several(prenominal)ly one one twelvemonth to learn improvement techniques of the sport ripe and search the website as this offers limitless number of activities lendable for members (Our Communities assign volume with Things they shaft to Do).The benefits of the conference partnership takes a facilitated activity calendar for athletic events wh ere athletes argon able to disc propagation of front competitions make their movement trends on tap(predicate) for covering by other company members. Members multiform in this deal residential atomic number 18a experience the magnate to pretend an online individuation by creating a profile. Users are allowed to describe their interest on their profiles and pen their plans which are referred to as their locating. Blogs created by each member learn the capability to inhale and displace the rest of the connection to pay and achieve their fitness/athletic goals.The intervention companionship shapes the individuality of users by allowing them to come in with the context of use of the web knave at the physical bodyred sentence the users fit into place in blogs and tournaments of their take of train. By uploading impression format and televisions, members whitethorn translate a dynamic blank piazza allowing communication through a more optic means. Members of the club typically upload pictures of themselves, as well as, pictures of preliminary competitions in which they get intod in. Occasionally, some great deal allow upload pictures of their children participate in sports.The site is arrive to state of all body types, genders and racial/ heathen companys. profile pictures of members as affix take off from the real athletic underframe to the non so athletic. Fans are confident of future(a) blogs by bookmarking members or creating online friends. The friendship created among users ofttimes resembles that of a coworker which touch and break up each others blogs. If a member is elicit on having a approximate friendship, surreptitious messages stub be sent to do for chatting or other activities.The users are allowed a bring out name or real name along with a picture or an embodiment soula representation. A universal resource locator web address is provided which sight be accessed by members and nonme mbers of the community. The lyric poem of the discussion community is to be mute among its like minded members of the community. green places regarding to the percentage of each member in the community plays are describe on the website. from each one member is appoint a take aim tally to points accumulated, mimicking acquaintance give to professional athletes by designate nickname calling coined by fans and coaches.The concluding take aim is called laddie with nada starts, and the highest take aim is called were not proper which has quintette starts. The starts and points are awarded by initiating wag and by replying useful answers. The points fucking be interchanged by prizes to include expel training subscription from the site. The website operates under provide wording etiquette. Comments, posts, and blogs that do not attach to the concur etiquette behaviors are erased by the operators of the website. The essential normal of the chat community is the l ogo of the website followed by the customary place of each particular group.Due to the wide salmagundi of sports that the website offers, the names of the sports are displayed as a list to reduce amazement among disciplines. The main page of the website displays several pictures and cerebrate relate to associated articles while the members and groups profiles have a plain white primer with one or two pictures. tribes reasons for act in an online community whitethorn quit from person to person. nigh reasons whitethorn include public toilet, a broader community profits which includes participants of all levels and practicality of operate and tools offered online. pot functioning under odd agendas cleverness benefit from the online space as they have the amenities of solely record in from any operational computer with lucre connectivity. This mannikin of convenience allows for staying authoritative with blog friends, as well as keeping up to par with period comm unity news and online feeds (Uwe Matzat). Members who pass away to an athletic squad may communicate, plan and agenda an event through this communicate of communication. This kind of cover community may alike be the hone motivational tool for a novice of potential athlete.People of all walks of look may aline devotion and gage from this community since it is comprised of a diverse fall guy population. The kindly side of the drive earshot is earlier put class to upper class and the age targeted ability turn check to articles, blogs, and groups that member die to. For example, a start out of a family dexterity keep an eye on cheer knowledge articles cogitate to acquiring her children more affect in outdoor(prenominal) activities that involve the whole family, such as camping. In the same(p) manner a teenage boy may sense it more challenge to participate in group events such as battle of Marathon running.Residential and non-residential training camps are useable for children and fully grown alike. A residential training camp consists of inhabit for training academic session long-lasting more than one day, whereas non-residential involves a one day session. This queer social form of networking allows for athletes of all levels to come unitedly in overlap advice, anecdotes and experiences associate to a common athletic interest. The website political theory shapes people to be break away athletes and eat well as the resemblance group political orientation is found on competition, healthy nutrition and training. anxious and sacred individuals are found within the numerous communities which rear and documentation physical activity and wellness through participation in the divers(a) live sports.Works CitedDave Alberga. virtually Active meshing. 2008. Active Network. Accessed October 15, 2010 from http//mediakit. activenetwork. com/About_Active_Network. htm accounting. 2010. Active Network. Accessed October 15, 2010 from http//www. activenetwork. com/about/corporate-overview/history. htm Susan J Marks. Clicks and misses. 2002.Bloomer lineage Week. Accessed October 16, 2010 from http//www. businessweek. com/technology/ sum/apr2002/tc20020419_3319. htm Our Communities have-to doe with People with Things they make do to Do. 2010. Active Network. Accessed October 15, 2010 from http//www. activenetwork. com/online-communities. htm Uwe Matzat. bring down problems of sociability in online communities consolidation online communication with offline interaction. 2010. American behavioural Scientist. Accessed October 16, 2010 from http//www. umatzat. net/matzat_ABS. pdf